A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes


Cinderella. You cnt think princess without seeing Cinderella. This dress perfectly embodies her. With a slight blue tint and delicate features you will be a show stopping bride.


They aren’t glass slippers but they’ll do. 😉


Better believe this is a Disney product. Not only is it beautifully simple its perfect for the grown up princess in you.


This cake is so cute. However it may not be the right Cinderella cake for some. So I also found this one…


It even has Cinderella and Charming cake topper.

Love the little pumpkin. It serves as the ring pillow or in place of it actually. I dnt know where the silver carriage is at but I had to include it. Last is a very princess drapping for the head table or all of your tables if you like. You’re the princess after all. 😉


Aurora/Sleeping Beauty Wedding


This is actually the first Princess wedding I did. I love Aurora/Briar Rose more than Cinderella.
This is a little more true to Disney than the Snow White. The bridesmaid are inspired by her fairy god mothers Flora, Fauna and Merrywether.
The overall color scheme is Pink and Blue with a splash of sparkling gold. More like Rose gold really.
Aurora is so girly and pretty its easy to imagine her wedding. Rose colored pearls, flowers and dripping with crystal.
Long curled hair with a beautiful off the shoulder gown just screams Sleeping Beauty. Disney style elegance that isn’t too child like.


Romanov Wedding


Anastasia Romanov. She has always been one of my favorite Princesses even though she isn’t Disney.


A Navy and Gold Russian Romanov wedding.

If you didn’t already fall head over heels for this wedding then you might tip over the edge now. The China is actual Romanov era antiques. Now I knw you cnt realisticly have that but its great inspiration for the plating you do pick out. Maybe a replica? And you knw what? The candle sticks are a quick DIY. Yard sale holders and spray paint with dollar store candle sticks!


Snow White Wedding

Woah talk ab a leave of absence. It’s been a while since I have posted. Had some issues with my internet access but I’m back! And very please to present some new ideas. Without further adieu…
A Snow White wedding!


This theme has a grown up feel with a touch of whimsy. Overall red, white and black color scheme with touches of the Disney yellow and blue on the maids.


I love this theme bc it is so versatile. There are lots of elements you can take to make it your own. Like the magic mirror dessert table and the beautiful red roses. I love that the cake combines the rose and the mirror frame and still manages to be simple and elegant.


Love, love, looovvee the apple core silhouette! It would make a perfect invitation. The frame is actually a Disney product so of course it fits perfectly into this.

You can find these mood boards and more for this theme on my pinterest account. It’s worth a look of you like what you see here.


Artist’s Heart

My hobby? Art in general really. I paint, draw, scrapbook, write novels, dabble in photography. These are some of my most recent works. I love to share my art even though I can be self consciousness about it at times. It is literally on my bucket list to inspire someone with my art before I go. Have a look see and feel free to comment.


My husband loves Poe. So I characterized him (my husband not Poe) and “quoth the raven”


This is a recent attempt at shading. It’s been years so I think it came out well.


I scrapbook. Lol. This is a Halloween page I made. Drew a Jessica Rabbit/Sally.


This is the original Joker image from the Batman party. Can you see the words? Some people don’t seem to notice them at first.



Cinderella. My baby sister loves her. The top is obviously before the background. I painted it for her birthday present.


Found this image of adult Disney Ariel on deviant art. Kudos to the guy who drew her. Bit I redrew her on some canvas and painted her in watercolor for a friend.


From left to right- Elizabeth & Darcy for an honors project. LSU canvas for my middle sister who aspires to play softball for them. Moon and stars painted on my box of paints. Bottom- part of a much larger painting of a tree.

All of these and more can be seen on my personal instagram.



I know I have several posts lacking links. I apologize for that. Not only is it inconvenient for you but its unfair to the places I got things from because they aren’t giving the sources credit. Again I apologize to both you and the sources. However when I am able to get on an actual computer I will fix that. Everything will have its proper link. Just stick with me friends. Posting from my HTC isn’t exactly ideal but its what I’ve got right now.
Apology accepted?


Holy birthday, Batman!


Yep its a Batman party. I put this together back in January for my husbands birthday party. He loves Batman. I used a black and gold color pallet to try and take some of the kiddie out of it. You know a little more Bruce Wayne/Darknight not the Capecrusader and Boywonder. Lol Anyway that’s the original inspiration now its time for what actually happened!


DIY! Early on in the game I know. I spent several hours getting these cups done for a bright green punch I made. To begin with I drew up the image with pencil then sharpie. Next I photocopied like 30 of them. Here is where the tedious part comes in. Once I had the copies I took an exacto knife and cut them out. Quite a few hours later I took some spray glue and pasted them to a clear cup. You can see the final product above. Unfortunately I dnt have a picture of them with the drink in it but they looked amazing. If you like I can post the image for download so you can do it yourself 😉


This is the rest of the party. Lots of DIY for this party. We made signs, Harvey two- face chocolate coins, Joker punch and more. I love the little Funko Pop Batman I bought to put on the cake. I also got him Batman cufflinks for the wedding and a double bladed batarang knife for his gifts.


Burton-esque Love


I love Tim Burton. He has created and directed some of my favorite movies. This design actually started out as a wedding theme because I think it would be just amazing to have a Burtonesque wedding. Alas I think our family would not agree and I love the plans I’ve already made soooo say hello to my Tim Burton halloween inspiration.


This just a collage of some of my inspiration. Good for pinning and sharing!


I adore this. Nightmare before Christmas has always been my go.to Halloween movie. This is a beautiful little guest book of you plan to go big on Halloween or maybe you’re just awesome and you’re gonna have a Burton wedding.


This is not particularly Tim but it speaks to me. Lol. And I find it insanely funny. So its here. Ha!


Can’t have a Burton celebration without these guys stirring up fun. For those of you who don’t recognize them I’m pleased to introduce you to Lock, Shock, and Barrel of Nightmare Before Christmas of course.


DIY time! Simple project that looks great. You can even use a plastic dollar store pumpkin and reuse it another year. All you need is a pumpkin be it real or fake, some spray paint, hot glue and the jewels which you can find at any craft store.


What can I say I love the signature stripes. They are totally a Burton trait. In the collage up top I died over the dress. Of I was doing the Burton wedding that would definitely be my dress. Because you’re already breaking away from tradition so why not go all out? There is no excuse.


Now just for good measure I pulled up a costume for you guys. This is a good one for individual and couples because your date can be Icabod Crane or the horseman.


This is my personal favorite. I made this for my husband and I. And believe me once I get the makeup down it will be our costume.

Love Burton too? Awesome. You have wonderful tastes. Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. 🙂


Jack Frost!

I know it has been a while since I last posted. BUT! I’m back with some wonderful new ideas for you lovely folks. So without further delay…


Ice blue, silver and white winter wedding. I fell head over heels for this theme when I came across the sparkling table cloth. If I was going to do a winter wedding this would without a doubt be my plan.


Um yes please! I would have died for a ring like this theme aside. Aquamarine and just amazing.


Now let’s talk about the bride for a moment. I think this is a unique and very beautiful alternative to a veil. Sounds weird to me when its called a cape but that’s what this technically is. Lol! But it brings the stunning look of snow fall to her as she walks and I think that is down right gorgeous.


This is my first pick for a bouquet. Simple and pretty. Love peonies!


This is pick #2 for flowers. Gives a bit more of the frosty look if you weren’t getting enough blue with bouquet #1.


This isn’t exactly what I envisioned for the maids BUT I’m sure there is something out there that better fits the bill. I like the color but it needs some sparkle to give it that frosty covered in ice look and prolly should be long since it would typically be like January for this wedding.


This is just a little something for the girls. I feel like bridesmaid gifts are very important. It let’s your ladies know that even though you may be in bitch mode because you’re stressed you still love and appreciate them. 🙂



Decor! There is literally a ton you can do with this theme. And the best news is you can discount shop last yrs Christmas stuff and save lots of money. That always makes my hubby happy. Lol



DIY! You knew it would be in here somewhere. I love do it yourself projects. With this all you need is glue and Epsom salt. Very simple and it rlly looks great.


Tablescape time. I adore the sparkle cloth. It’s what inspired me to create this theme. Add touchs of the blue with a centerpiece and napkins an ta-da!


Absolutely love this draping. This would make a stunning head table. Stands out from the other tables and still has sparkle!


These champaign flutes though! How could they get more perfect?

As always let me know what you think? How do you feel? Improvements? Tell me!
